31 Ekim 2010 Pazar

Bodrum Castle-bodrum kalesi

Bodrum Kalesi, Bodrum'un simgesi haline gelmiş ve bugün Sualtı Arkeoloji Müzesi olarak kullanılan kale. (St. Peter Kalesi)

Bodrum kalesi iki liman arasında kayalık bir alan üzerinde kurulmuştur. Antik çağda önce ada olan bu alan sonraları kente bağlanarak yarımada durumuna gelmiştir.

1406 - 1523 tarihleri arasinda inşa edilen St. Jean Sövalyeleri'nin kalesi, kare planlı, 180 x 185 m. ölçülerindedir. İç kale içinde değişik ülke adları verilmiş kuleler bulunmaktadır. En yüksek kule deniz seviyesinden 47.50 m. yükseklikte olan Fransız Kulesi'dir. Diğer kuleler İtalyan Kulesi, Alman Kulesi, Yılanlı Kule ve İngiliz Kulesidir.

Kalenin doğu duvarı dışında kalan bölümleri çift beden duvarları olarak takviye edilmiştir. İç kaleye 7 kapı geçilerek ulaşılır. Kapılar üzerinde armalar bulunmaktadır. Armalar üzerinde haçlar, düz veya yatay bantlar, ejder ve aslan figürleri bulunmaktadır. İç kalede Sapelin alti dahil olmak üzere 14 sarnıç vardır. Kale korugani, çiftli duvarlar arası su hendeği, asma köprü, kontrol kulesi, II. Mahmut tuğrası kalenin göze çarpan yerlerindendir.

Bodrum Kalesi, 19. yüzyıl sonunda kalenin hapishane olarak kullanıldığı dönemde bir hamam yapısı ile Osmanlı niteliği kazanmıştır.

Kale bugün Sualtı Arkeoloji Müzesi olarak kullanılmaktadır. Müze koleksiyonlarında bulunan eserler Türk hamamı, Amphora sergilemesi, Doğu Roma Gemisi, Cam Salonu, Cam Batığı, Sikke ve Mücevherat Salonu, Karyalı Prenses Salonu, İngiliz Kulesi, İşkence ve Katliam Odaları ve Alman Kulesi'nde sergilenmektedir. Ayrıca, 33.5 dönüm genişliğindeki bir arazi üzerine kurulmuş olan kalede açık mekanlarda da eser sergilenmektedir.

Müze, 1995 yılında Avrupa'da Yılın Müzesi Yarışması'nda "Özel Övgü" ödülünü almıştır.

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Confronted with the invasion of Seljuk Turks, the Knights Hospitaller, with their headquarters on the island of Rhodes, needed another stronghold on the mainland. Grand Master Philibert de Naillac (1396-1421) found a suitable site across the island of Kos, where there was already a castle of the Order. This location had been already the site of a fortification in Doric times (1110 BC) and of a small Seljuk castle in the 11th century. The same promontory was also the probable site of the palace of Mausolos, the famous king of Caria. [1]

View from the south-eastThe construction of the castle started in 1402 under the German knight-architect Heinrich Schlegelholt. Construction workers were guaranteed a reservation in Heaven by a papal decree of 1409. They used squared green volcanic stone, marble columns and reliefs from the nearby Mausoleum of Maussollos to fortify the castle. The first walls were completed in 1437. The chapel was among the first completed inner structures (probably 1406). It consists of a vaulted nave and an apse. The chapel was reconstructed in Gothic style by Spanish Knights in 1519-1520. Their names can be found on two cornerstones of the façade.

Fourteen cisterns for collecting rainwater were excavated in the rocks under the castle.

Each tongue of the Order had its own tower, each in his own style and the French tower being the tallest. Each tongue, each headed by a bailli, was responsible for the maintenance and defence of a specific portion of the fortress and responsible for manning it with sufficient numbers of knights and soldiers. There were seven gates leading to the inner part of the fortress. The architect had applied the latest in castle design : the passages leading to these gates were full of twists and turns. Eventual assailants could not find cover against the arrows, stones or heated projectiles they had to confront. The Knights had placed above the gates and on the walls hundreds of painted coats of arms and carved reliefs. There remain now 249 separate designs : those of grand masters, castle commandants, countries, personal coat of arms of knights and religious figures.

The construction of the three-storied English tower was finished in 1413. One door opens to the north, to the inner part of the castle; The other door leads to the western rampart. One could only access this tower via a drawbridge. The western façade shows an antique carved relief of a lion. Because of this relief, the tower was also called "the Lion Tower". Above this lion, one can see the coat of arms of king Henry IV of England.

TowerFor over a century St. Peter's Castle remained the second most important castle of the Order. It served as a refuge for all Christians in Asia Minor.

The castle came under attack with the rise of the Ottoman Empire, first after the fall of Constantinople in 1453 and again in 1480 by sultan Mehmed II. The attacks were repelled by the Knights.

In 1482, Prince Cem, son of sultan Mehmed II and brother of sultan Bayezid II, sought refuge in the castle, after a failure in raising a revolt against his brother.

When the Knights decided to fortify the castle in 1494, they used again stones of the Mausoleum. The walls facing the mainland were thickened as to withstand the increasing destructive power of cannons. The walls facing the sea were less thick, since the Order had little to fear from a sea attack due to their powerful naval fleet. Grand Master Fabrizio Del Carretto (1513-21) built a round bastion to strengthen the land side of the fortress.

Sir Thomas Docwra was captain of the castle in 1499.

[edit] 16th century
Between 1505 and 1507 the few sculptures from the mausoleum, that hadn't been smashed and burnt for lime, were integrated into the castle for decoration. These included twelve slabs of the Amazonemachy (combat between Amazons and Greeks) and a single block of the Centauromachy, a few standing lions and one running leopard.

A cannonWhen faced by attack from Sultan Suleiman, Philippe Villiers de L'Isle-Adam, the Grand Master of the Knights Hospitallers ordered the Castle to be strengthened again. Much of the remaining portions of the mausoleum were broken up and used as building material to fortify the castle. By 1522 almost every block of the mausoleum had been removed.

In June 1522 the sultan attacked the Order's headquarters in Rhodes from the Bay of Marmaris with 200,000 soldiers. The castle of Rhodes fell in December 1522. The terms of surrender included the handing over of the Knights' fortresses in Kos and St Peter's Castle in Bodrum.

After the surrender, the chapel was turned into a mosque and a minaret was added. This mosque was called the Süleymaniye Camii, as attested by a traveler Evliya Chelebi, who visited Bodrum in 1671. The minaret was destroyed on 26 May 1915 by rounds fired by a French warship during the World War I. It has been reconstructed in its original shape in 1997.

[edit] 19th century

The window with the arms of the Knights Hospitaller in the English towerIn 1846 Lord Stratford Canning, the British Ambassador to Constantinople obtained permission to take twelve marble reliefs, showing a combat between Greeks and Amazons. Sir Charles Newton, a member of the staff of the British Museum, conducted excavations and removed a number of stone lions and one leopard in 1856. Presently, these are all to be found at the British Museum.[2]

In later years, the castle has been used for different purposes. It was used as a military base by the Turkish army during the Greek Revolt in 1824. In the 19th century the chapel was converted into a mosque and a minaret was added. At the same time a hamam (public bath) was installed in the castle. In 1895 the castle was turned into a prison. During World War I, the castle was fired upon by a French warship, toppling the minaret and damaging several towers. After the war, the Italians stationed a garrison in the castle, but withdrew in 1921 when Mustafa Kemal Atatürk came to power.

The castle stood empty for 40 years.


Amasra, Batı Karadeniz Bölgesinde, Bartın iline bağlı bir ilçedir. Son yıllarda turizm potansiyelindeki artışla dikkat çekmektedir.

Denize doğru uzanmış bir burun, burnun iki yanında korunaklı birer liman görevi gören iki koy ve ana karaya bağlı ve bağımsız adaları ile eşsiz bir görsel güzelliğe de sahip olan Amasra hem 3000 yıllık tarihi, hem çekicilik ve balıkçılığa dayanan yerel sanatları, hem de kendini çevreleyen ormanlık alanları ile görülmeye değer yerlerden biridir. Amasra halen özgün balık lokantaları, temiz orta boyuttaki otelleri ve sayısız ev pansiyonuyla turizme katkıda bulunmaktadır. Sanatçı Barış Akarsu'nun memleketidir. Barış Akarsu Ocak 2007'de çıkardığı son kasetini Amasralılara ithaf etmiştir

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Amasra (pop. 7000; from Greek Amastris Ἄμαστρις, gen. Ἀμάστριδος) is a small Black Sea port town in the Bartın Province, Turkey. The town is today much appreciated for its beaches and natural setting, which has made tourism the most important activity for its inhabitants.

Amasra has two islands: the bigger one is called Büyük ada (Great Island) while the smaller one is called Tavşan adası (Rabbit Island).

29 Ekim 2010 Cuma

Topkapı Sarayı-Topkapı Palace

Topkapı Sarayı (Osmanlı Türkçesi: طوپقپو سرايى), İstanbul Sarayburnu'nda, Osmanlı İmparatorluğu'nun 600 yıllık tarihinin 400 yılı boyunca, devletin idare merkezi olarak kullanılan ve Osmanlı Padişahları'nın yaşadığı saraydır.[1] Bir zamanlar içinde 4.000'e yakın insan yaşamıştır.[2]

Topkapı Sarayı Fatih Sultan Mehmed tarafından 1478’de yaptırılmış,Abdülmecit’in Dolmabahçe Sarayı’nı yaptırmasına kadar yaklaşık 380 sene boyunca devletin idare merkezi ve Osmanlı padişahlarının resmi ikametgahı olmuştur. Kuruluş yıllarında yaklaşık 700.000 m.² lik bir alanda yer alan sarayın bugünkü alanı 80.000 m.² dir.[3] Topkapı Sarayı,saray halkının Dolmabahçe Sarayı, Yıldız Sarayı ve diğer saraylarda yaşamaya başlaması ile birlikte boşaltılmıştır.Padişahlar tarafından terk edildikten sonra da içinde birçok görevlinin yaşadığı Topkapı Sarayı hiçbir zaman önemini kaybetmemiştir.Saray zaman zaman onarılmıştır. Ramazan ayı içerisinde padişah ve ailesi tarafından ziyaret edilen Mukaddes Emanetler Dairesi’nin her yıl bakımının yapılmasına ayrı bir önem verilmiştir.[3]

Fatih Sultan Mehmed 1465 yılında Topkapı Sarayı'nın inşaatını başlatmıştır.Topkapı Sarayı’nın ilk defa, adeta bir müze gibi ziyarete açılması Abdülmecit dönemine rastlamıştır. O dönemin İngiliz elçisine Topkapı Sarayı Hazinesi’ndeki eşyalar gösterilmiştir.Bundan sonra Topkapı Sarayı Hazinesi’ndeki eski eserleri yabancılara göstermek gelenek haline gelir ve Abdülaziz zamanında, ampir üslupta camekanlı vitrinler yaptırılır, Hazine’deki eski eserler bu vitrinler içinde yabancılara gösterilmeye başlanır.II. Abdülhamid tahttan indirildiği sıralarda Topkapı Sarayı Hazine-i Hümâyûn’un pazar ve salı günleri olmak üzere halkın ziyaretine açılması düşünülmüşse de bu gerçekleşememiştir. Gazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk’ün emriyle 3 Nisan 1924 tarihinde halkın ziyaretine açılmak üzere İstanbul Âsâr-ı Atika Müzeleri Müdürlüğü’ne bağlanan Topkapı Sarayı önce Hazine Kethüdalığı, sonra Hazine Müdüriyeti adıyla hizmet vermeye başlamıştır.Bugün ise Topkapı Sarayı Müzesi Müdürlüğü adıyla hizmet vermeye devam etmektedir. 1924 yılında bazı ufak onarımlar yapıldıktan ve ziyaretçilerin gezebilmeleri için gereken idari önlemler de alındıktan sonra, Topkapı Sarayı, 9 Ekim 1924 tarihinde müze olarak ziyarete açılmıştır. O tarihte ziyarete açılan bölümler Kubbealtı, Arz Odası, Mecidiye Köşkü, Hekimbaşı Odası, Mustafa Paşa Köşkü ve Bağdat Köşkü’dür.[3]

Günümüzde büyük turist kitlelerini kendine çeken saray 1985 yılında UNESCO Dünya Mirasları Listesi'ne giren İstanbul Tarihî Yarımada içerisindeki tarihi eserlerin en başında gelmektedir.[4] Günümüzde müze olarak hizmet vermektedir.[5]

The Topkapı Palace (Turkish: Topkapı Sarayı)[1] or in Ottoman Turkish: طوپقپو سرايى, usually spelled "Topkapi" in English) is a palace in Istanbul, Turkey, which was the official and primary residence in the city of the Ottoman Sultans for approximately 400 years (1465-1856) of their 624-year reign,[2].

The palace was a setting for state occasions and royal entertainments and is a major tourist attraction today, containing the most holy relics of the Muslim world such as the Prophet Muhammed's cloak and sword.[2] Topkapı Palace is among those monuments belonging to the "Historic Areas of Istanbul", which became a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1985, and is described in Criterion iv as "the best example[s] of ensembles of palaces [...] of the Ottoman period."[3]

Initial construction began in 1459, ordered by Sultan Mehmed II, the conqueror of Byzantine Constantinople. The palace is a complex made up of four main courtyards and many smaller buildings. At the height of its existence as a royal residence, the palace was home to as many as 4,000 people,[2] formerly covering a larger area with a long shoreline. The complex has been expanded over the centuries, with many renovations such as after the 1509 earthquake and 1665 fire. It held mosques, a hospital, bakeries, and a mint.[2] The name directly translates as "Cannon gate Palace", from the palace being named after a nearby, now destroyed, gate.

Topkapı Palace gradually lost its importance at the end of the 17th century, as the Sultans preferred to spend more time in their new palaces along the Bosporus. In 1856, Sultan Abdül Mecid I decided to move the court to the newly built Dolmabahçe Palace, the first European-style palace in the city. Some functions, such as the imperial treasury, the library, mosque and mint, were retained though.

After the end of the Ottoman Empire in 1921, Topkapı Palace was transformed by government decree on April 3, 1924 into a museum of the imperial era. The Topkapı Palace Museum is under the administration of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism. The palace complex has hundreds of rooms and chambers, but only the most important are accessible to the public today. The complex is guarded by officials of the ministry as well as armed guards of the Turkish military. The palace is full of examples of Ottoman architecture and also contains large collections of porcelain, robes, weapons, shields, armor, Ottoman miniatures, Islamic calligraphic manuscripts and murals, as well as a display of Ottoman treasure and jewelry.

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